Star Tracker

A new type of star tracker using interferometry.

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GPS Alternate Navigation

Reducing the dependence of military platforms on GPS.

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Deformable Mirrors

Suitable for long high-energy laser engagements and laser intra-cavity use.

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Lasercom Terminals

A hyperspectral filter front end for a multi-access lasercom terminal.

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A Unique Combination of Competencies

Optical Physics Company (OPC) provides competencies in the design and manufacture of advanced optical systems for tracking, imaging, filtering, and beam control. It specializes in building high-precision optics; including mechanical assembly, electronics, optics, computer interfacing, signal acquisition, and signal processing.

The company has built a reputation among its customers for being the go-to resource for addressing their most difficult challenges and developing innovative methods and sensors where off-the-shelf solutions do not exist.

OPC’s Specialty Domains

Adaptive Optics

Adaptive optics, including wavefront sensors and deformable mirrors for HEL

Star Tracking

Sensors for accurate tracking of stars and other dim radiation sources

High-Energy Laser

High energy laser (HEL) and HEL phased array beam control, including acquisition, aimpoint selection and maintenance

Optical Communication

Free space optical communication (Lasercom)

Optical Sensor

Electro-optical sensor systems covering visible to MWIR bands

Analytic Modeling

Analytic modeling and wave-optic simulation for high precision optics, atmospheric turbulence and other optical physics phenomena

Laser Imaging

Coherent laser imaging through atmospheric turbulence

OPC capabilities include design, trade studies, prototyping, demonstrations, and flight fabrication.